Motorists Most Likely to Die in Alabama Car Accident in August

A recent two- car accident in Alabama took the life of a Mobile woman. The accident happened at the Dauphin Street exit ramp of Interstate 65 when the driver of a sedan was taking that exit off the Interstate and collided with a sweeper truck, according to Alabama Live. Four of the passenger-vehicle's occupants were transported to the University of South Alabama Medical Center. The driver of the truck was not injured in the accident. Birmingham car accident attorneys would like to warn motorists about the increased risks for car accidents that they're currently facing. It has been proven time and time again that August is the deadliest month for American's on our roadways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has witnessed these deadly August statistics since 1994. More motorists in the United States die in traffic accidents in the month of August than during any other month out of the year. According to the NHTSA, August has an av...