Fatal Car Accidents in Birmingham Land City on Most Dangerous List
Recently, CNBC conducted a study to figure out which cities in the United States would rank as the top 15 most dangerous places to drive. Fatal car accidents in Birmingham, Alabama were frequent enough to land our city on the top 15 list. Lawyer office in Texas . The study took into consideration cities with populations of 150,000 people or more and then took the area's most recent traffic accident data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System to determine which places were most likely to experience a fatal car accident. Our Birmingham car accident attorneys understand that there are a number of factors that can contribute to fatal car accidents. Some of these factors include the number of residents, the design of roadways, the age of motorists, the weather conditions and the number of visiting motorists a place typically sees. By raising awareness about the dangers that our area faces, we can begin to make our roadways a little bit safer.